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SOUND.DOC -- Description of the Sound Generation Routines in SOUND.ASM
by Christopher L. Morgan
Copyright (C) 1984 by The Waite Group, Inc.
The routines in SOUND.ASM are useful for producing sound on the
PC via the speaker and associated timer chip. The routines named
TONExxxx are primitives that directly access the speaker and timer.
All other routines call these routines to produce any sound.
DELAY -- Delay for a specified time interval
FREQ -- Convert from frequency to period
GLISSNDO -- Make a glissando (sliding tone)
LINSCALE -- Provide linear scaling
PITCH -- Convert from pitch number
PLAY -- Play music from a table
TONE -- Make a tone
TONE_INIT -- Initialize speaker timer
TONE_OFF -- Turn off tone
TONE_ON -- Turn on tone
TONE_SET -- Set the tone on the speaker
The speaker is connected to the output of timer 2, which produces a
square wave whose frequency can be set using the TONE_SET routine. TONE_SET
assumes the timer has been properly initialized, as is done during normal
boot-up. TONE_INIT can also be used to initialize the timer.
The frequency of the square wave from the timer is determined by the
formula, f=F/n, where f is the frequency of the square wave, F is 1,193,182
and n is a 16-bit integer that is input to the routine. The constant, F, is
exactly 1/3 the frequency of the NTSC subcarrier used for color encoding by
the Color/Graphics Adapter. F is derived by hardware from a main clock
signal that runs at 14,317,800 Hertz and supplies the timing for most of the
TONE_ON and TONE_OFF provide control over whether the square wave
reaches the speaker, thus turning the sound on or off. There are actually
two bits involved, one to control the connection between the clock signal
and the timer, and one to control the connection between the timer and the
speaker. Both routines switch both connections simultaneously. There is
no provision to control the bits independently.
The routine, DELAY, provides timing for the duration of musical notes
in milliseconds. The routine, FREQ, uses the formula, n=F/f, to compute
the input parameter for TONE_SET from a given frequency. Using this just
before TONE_SET permits working directly with frequencies rather than clock
cycles of the 1,193,182 Hertz clock.
The routine, TONE, uses the other routines to produce tones of a
given frequency and duration. The frequency is input as a 16-bit integer
and the duration is in milliseconds using the DELAY routine.
The rest of the routines provide special sound effects. SCALE converts
numbers between 0 and 1 into numbers within the range of X1 and X2, which
are any specified 16-bit integers. This is used with RANDOM to produce
pseudo-random numbers between 0 and 1. The routine, WHITE, uses these
pseudo-random numbers along with SCALE to generate white noise. The routine,
GUN shows how to shape white noise into a machine gun sound.
The routine, GLISSANDO, makes a tone that slides smoothly from one
frequency, X1, to another, X2. RED shows how to shape glissandos into red
alert sirens.
PITCH and PLAY are music routines. PITCH converts the pitch number
to a value useable by TONE_SET to set the frequency. PLAY plays music from
a "playlist" of notes.
__________________________ Descriptions of Routines __________________________
DELAY -- Delay for a specified number of milliseconds
Function: This routine provides a time delay for specifying the
duration of a sound, a wait, etc.
Input: Upon input, CX contains the no. of milliseconds to delay.
Output: None
Register used: CX is first saved and then restored.
FREQ -- Convert from Frequency to Period
Function: This routine converts from frequency to the number required
by TONE_SET to set the frequency. The routine evaluates the formula,
N = F/f, where f is the frequency input to this routine, n is the number
output by this routine, and F is 1,193,182. In other words, this routine
divides the specified frequency, f, into the 1,193,182 hertz clock
frequency that drives the timer. Use this routine just before TONE_SET.
Input: Upon entry, the frequency is in CX.
Output: Upon exit, F/f is in CX.
Registers used: CX is modified, AX & DX are first saved and then restored.
GLISSNDO -- Make a Glissando
Function: This routine makes a glissando; i.e., a sound that slides from
one frequency to another. The rate of change can be controlled.
Input: Upon entry, the starting frequency is in BX, the ending frequency
is in CX, and the control parameter for the rate increase is in DX.
Increasing the value in DX slows down the rate of change.
Output: To the speaker and timer only.
Registers used: All registers are saved and then restored.
Segments referenced: The data segment must contain the variables,
Special note: The speaker timer must already have been initialized. If
necessary, use TONE_INIT to initialize before calling this routine.
PITCH -- Convert from Pitch Number
Function: This routine converts from pitch number to the value required
by TONE_SET to set the frequency. The pitch numbers refer to an
extended chromatic scale. The notes of this scale are numbered from
0 to 95 with 12 notes/octave. 0 corresponds to a C at 16.35 hertz.
Input: Upon entry the pitch number of the note is in AL.
Output: Upon exit, the DX register has the proper value for TONE_SET.
Registers used: DX has value; AX, BX, & CX are saved and then restored.
Segments Referenced: The data segment must contain the
following pitch table:
NOTES DW 4186 ;C
DW 4435 ;C#/D-
DW 4699 ;D
DW 4978 ;D#/E-
DW 5274 ;E
DW 5588 ;F
DW 5920 ;F#/G-
DW 6272 ;G
DW 6645 ;G#/A-
DW 7040 ;A
DW 7459 ;A#/B-
DW 7902 ;B
Routines called: FREQ
LINSCALE -- Do Linear Scaling
Function: This routine performs a linear scaling, converting a fixed
point number between 0 and 1 into an integer between X1 and X2,
where X1 and X2 are 16-bit integers.
Input: Upon entry, CX has a binary fixed point number between 0 and 1.
The binary point is to the left of the leftmost bit. X1 and X2 are
variables stored in memory.
Output: Upon exit, CX contains the 16-bit integer result.
Registers used: CX is modified, AX & DX are first saved and then restored.
Segments referenced: The data segment must contain the variables, X1 & X2.
PLAY -- Play Music
Function: This program plays music. It reads a binary "play" list
that contains instructions to make the tune. This list consists
of a series of music instructions: Tempo, Note, Rest, and End.
The syntax for the instructions are:
Tempo Command
first byte = ASCII "T"
second byte = tempo in whole notes/minute
Note Command
first byte = ASCII "N"
second byte = pitch number (integer 0-95)
third byte = length (8-bit binary fixed point - scale 1)
fourth byte = style (8-bit binary fixed point - scale 0)
Rest Command
first byte = ASCII "R"
second byte = length (8-bit binary fixed point - scale 1)
End Command
first byte = ASCII "X"
The scaling is:
scale 0 has the binary point to the left of the leftmost digit
scale 1 has the binary point to the right of the leftmost bit
Input: Upon entry, the address of the "play" list is in DS:SI
Output: To the speaker and timer only
Registers Used: Entry registers are saved and restored
Segments Referenced: The data segment contains the "play" list and
the variables WHOLE, ACCOUNT, and RCOUNT
Routines Called: PITCH, TONE_OFF, DELAY
TONE -- Make a Tone
Function: This routine makes a tone of a given frequency and given length.
Input: Upon entry, the frequency is in CX and the length in no. of
milliseconds is in DX.
Output: To the speaker and timer only.
Registers used: AX, CX, & DX are first saved and then restored.
Segments referenced: The data segment must contain the variable, COUNT.
Special note: The speaker timer must already have been properly initialized.
This should normally occur during boot-up.
TONE_INIT -- Initialize Speaker Timer
Function: This routine initializes the part of the 8253 timer chip used
by the speaker system. Particularly, it sets up channel 2 of this
timer as a square wave generator. This routine does not select the
frequency, nor does it turn on the tone. Use TONE_SET to select the
frequency, TONE_ON to turn the tone on, and TONE_OFF to turn it off.
Input: None
Output: Only to the timer 2 of the speaker circuit.
Registers used: AX is first saved and then restored.
TONE_OFF -- Turn off Tone
Function: This routine turns of the timer and speaker.
Input: None
Output: To the timer and speaker only.
Registers Used: AX register is first saved and then restored.
TONE_ON -- Turn on Tone
Function: This routine turns on the timer and speaker to produce a tone.
The frequency of the tone must have already been selected on the timer.
you can use TONE_SET to set the frequency of the tone.
Input: None
Output: To the timer and speaker only.
Register used: AX is first saved and then restored.
TONE_SET -- Set the Tone on the Speaker
Function: This routine selects the frequency of the square wave tone to
the speaker. The input to this routine is a 16-bit integer n which
determines the frequency, f, according to the following formula:
f = F/n
where F is 1,193,182, the frequency of a clock signal which feeds the
timer. The value, n, is the number of cycles of the clock signal per
cycle of the resulting square wave. This routine does not actually
turn on the tone. Use TONE_ON to turn on the tone, and TONE_OFF to turn
it off. This routine assumes the speaker timer has already been properly
initialized. This happens during normal boot-up, or you can use
TONE_INIT to initialize the timer.
Input: Upon entry, the 16-bit integer, n, is in the CX register.
Output: Only to the timer 2.
Register used: AX is first saved and then restored.
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